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In the above Bharath Osadhi Raksha foundation can help in bringing all resources together at the village level . 

Near Future some more creative work can be done by BORF TRUST* 

  • Gathering forgotten herbal recipes for general health problems like gastric, obesity ,diabetes etc. For example Ripe fruits of Solanum Nigrum is an instant Cure for Acidity. Also Ripe Fruits of Psysallis Minima is a sure remedy for Acid Reflux Problem. Both can be Cultivated on Roof Tops
  • Designing of small herbal gardens , and exploring NMPB National Medicinal Plant Board  schemes
  • Cultivation of Traditional Varieties  of Rice i.e., 60 day Rice, 10 Month Rice, Red Rice, Black Rice etc.
  • Information on the varieties of Kharals (Stone Mortars ) [ The Type of Stone as well as the Shape of the Mortar] needed to Process each specific Ayurvedic Mineral , Plant Material or Animal Origin Material,  will be Collected and Presented for the benefit of Future generations.

Project NAYANA YOGA ( For better eye sight )

Eye sight problems in children has become a very common issue. In the month of January the trust decided to work for herbal leafy vegetables that are beneficial for eye care. Authentic vegetables that are to be included in their diet to overcome eye related health issues is what we are focusing on.   We find the mention of these plants  in Ayurvedic literature especially in Basava Rajeeyam and Yoga Ratnakaram , very famous works in Ayurveda. 

1. Jivanthi जीवंती 
Leptadenia Reticulata 

2. Bathua - बथुआ - 
Chenopodium Album - 
 వాస్తుకం, చక్రవర్తి కూర - 

3. मत्स्याक्षी 
Alternanthera sessilis 
పొన్నగంటి కూర 

4. मेघनाद 
Amaranthus viridis Linn 
 చిర్రి కూర 

5. पुनर्नवा 
Zaleya Decandra 

We Propose to grow these five leafy vegetable species and collect seeds back. These plants can be cultivated in small pots and roof top areas also.
We are planning to work under 3 modules

1. Establishing Nurseries/ herbal gardensof size 5 acres, 10 acres, 20 acres etc. Should be accessible to sadhus, local Vaidyas and professional ayurvedic doctors

2. Audio / video recording of Expert Traditional Vaidyas, their opinions and knowledge with the objective of passing on Ayurvdic Knowledg to future generations & for effective usage of ayurvedic science.

3. Audio / video recording of the opinions and knowledge of Expert Traditional Ayurvedic Pharmacists with the objective of passing on Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Knowledge to future generations for effective usage of ayurvedic science. We publish all the formulae and techniques involved in preparation of ayurvedic drugs in Youtube or other platforms only after taking proper consent of the vaidyas.

4. Hospital management for Ayurvedic Vaidyas : Want to invite eminent personalities, likeminded  organizations and research scholars in this field and take their suggestions to set up model ayurvedic hospitals with nice ambience , good interiors and of course with the traditional Indian Ayurvedic medical support.
